The Khazarian Mafia (Ashkenazi Jews) are starting to show their faces.
Donna Lui (呂) See The World | 看世界
The Chinese Satanic Cabal keep attacking and changing my website setup. If you can't find the page number scroll bar from my event albums, you can find an event tag bar at the 《Blog》 page to retrieve same information. Please press Enter Key at the URL bar to refresh if you encounter problem to view the page!
Pope Francis and Bill Clinton set discussion on climate change at Clinton Global Initiative
Faith to God or Science?
There is no official record to prove that the Bible was modified and distorted by CCP.
Meaning of Number 17 in the Bible (Q=17!)
Buying Children in Cambodia. Why didn't the Catholic Priests do something to save the children?
《推碑圖》的"凡身木子為姓" 是中國撒旦集團製作的虛假劉伯溫預言書!
更新: 陝西太白山劉伯溫碑記 (新解)
Is there a correlation between Human and Child Trafficking and Catholic Churches?
Catholics Population has reduced by 306.6 millions (-22.6%) over the past 3 years!
46% of Pope Francis's Foreign Visits are countries with less than 10% Catholics
Oxford Mathematician DESTROYS Atheism (15 Minute Brilliancy!)
New: The main agenda for Vatican and the Catholic churches is certainly not to promote Christianity!
Updated: Global Catholic Population Per Priest indications. Data and facts don't lie!
Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey - When You Believe
【佛教的邏輯、辯證法與知識論】新書預告#吳汝鈞 著