Donna Lui (呂) See The World | 看世界
The Chinese Satanic Cabal keep attacking and changing my website setup. If you can't find the page number scroll bar from my event albums, you can find an event tag bar at the 《Blog》 page to retrieve same information. Please press Enter Key at the URL bar to refresh if you encounter problem to view the page!
勿忘國恥,691/731部隊 = 9!
周恩來 |白毛女| 松山树子(12!)|李秀英|彭麗媛
Evergrande just went to 0! (03333.HK = 12!)
司马南 | 一论“降美弃俄”谬论:胡伟教授,可能是您错了!(胡伟 = 9&12!)
李肇星在天下人面前公開說謊,利用季羨林的名字為中國撒旦集團貼金!(李肇星=12 )
撒旦集團為什麼要在油管上製造虛假《TikTok 聽證會》視頻?這位周先生火了!
Charles Darwin was a 33-Degree Freemason Who Created the Theory of Evolution (9 Again!)
郭文貴能夠進入北京政治圈是因為認識了同為《山東籍的演員朱時茂》= 9&12!
反占中政协在英成立港人组织 引渗透疑虑 (余建明 = 9!)
郭文貴被捕!撒旦集團終於拋棄了這一隻漢奸棋子! (郭文貴=12!)
G20 was founded at 1999/9/26 (9 again!)
911 attacks in 2001 (9&12 again)
Angela Merkel Hilter = 12
第十六, 十七屆中共中央政治局常委是九個常委! 國務院總理是溫家寶!
Kate Middleton & Prince Charlotte = 9
The Ninth Circle Cult
Qian Xuesen's US events were full of magic numbers 9 & 12
羅翔真的有參與《刑事犯罪子女不应被牵连》討論嗎?(周世虹 = 9)!
Massive fire hits HK high-rise construction site - large pieces of debris spotted falling down