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Donna Lui (呂) See The World | 看世界
The Chinese Satanic Cabal keep attacking and changing my website setup. If you can't find the page number scroll bar from my event albums, you can find an event tag bar at the 《Blog》 page to retrieve same information. Please press Enter Key at the URL bar to refresh if you encounter problem to view the page!

The American people's tax money was stolen to NGOs and then divided among the Deep State
Soros is not some billionaire sponsoring a revolution, he is just a cover for a group of thieves, and the real money comes from us...

Soros Behind 40% of Murders in the U.S., Global Trafficking Rings, and Total Takeover of America’s Justice System!
Leaked Bombshell: Soros Behind 40% of Murders in the U.S., Global Trafficking Rings, and Total Takeover of America’s Justice System! The...

USAID: Soros' secret cash cow
🌏 US conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation claimed in 2017 that George Soros' Open Society Foundations (OSF) had been made...

George Soros : China must lead the New World Order, creating it, owning it and supplanting the United States as the world's economic superpower!!
George Soros confirmed that the Chinese Satanic Cabal have been participating the New World Order agenda. It was their plan to make China...

“George Soros is paying student radicals who are fueling nationwide explosion of Israel-hating protests”
“George Soros is paying student radicals who are fueling nationwide explosion of Israel-hating protests” Turns out these “protestors” are...

'Who elected George Soros to dictate laws?': El Salvador President Bukele blasts global elites
Who elected George Soros to dictate laws?': El Salvador President Bukele blasts global elites

Alex Soros at the WEF letting everyone know how much the globalist elites fear President Trump.
BREAKING NEWS: Alex Soros shits his pants at WEF Davos... “Ummm, uhhh, well, uh, Donald Trump…Uhmm, Uh, hmmm, you see, I, umm uhh, don’t,...

比爾-蓋茨和喬治-索羅斯支持的阿斯彭研究所 ( Aspen Institute )被起訴 為2024大選掃除障礙
Bill Gates- and George Soros-backed Aspen Institute hit with censorship collusion lawsuit America First Legal (AFL) is expanding a...

Is George Soros Dead? It is certainly the cloned double of Soros you see on TV now!
JUST IN: George Soros tweets, "I am alive and healthy." But can he explain why his ear is different from the past? European Institute For...


Which Soros goes on to compliment DeSantis? George Soros says that Trump has “turned...

什麼《白紙運動》,《煙花革命》,《白髮運動》都是撒旦集團製造的顏色革命,目的是為了推翻習近平政權! 索羅斯當然不反共產黨。因為中國目前的共產黨政權是完全受到中國撒旦集團操控的。 大淫婦彭麗媛就是勾結撒旦邪魔索羅斯在中國製造反習近平的顏色革命!...

A new report exposes how George Soros’ propaganda machine has corrupted the media
A new report from the US-based Newsbusters has exposed a vast web of media and activist organizations, funded with millions of dollars,...

The FALL of the CRYPTO CABAL: FTX was a massive money laundering slush fund for Democrats
I have warned you about Bitcoin since Mar 2020. Bitcoin is another Ponzi scheme The FALL of the CRYPTO CABAL: FTX was a massive money...

XI was well aware of a counter Coup happening and is protected heavily by military Alliance The DEEP STATE MSM promptly...

How dare you, script by Klaus, financed by the handler Soros.
I said that the Satanic Cabal were destroying Greta Thunberg's life on Feb, 2021. And it comes true! 从英雄到恶魔,环保少女被欧洲清算 Greta Thunberg...
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