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Donna Lui (呂) See The World | 看世界
The Chinese Satanic Cabal keep attacking and changing my website setup. If you can't find the page number scroll bar from my event albums, you can find an event tag bar at the 《Blog》 page to retrieve same information. Please press Enter Key at the URL bar to refresh if you encounter problem to view the page!
The Holodmor was a man-made Famine led by the Satanist Joseph Stalin
it's all fake. History is fake, religions are fake, presidents are fake, elections are fake, media is fake. The whole world have been...
Joseph Stalin was also the puppet of the Satanic Cabal (9 &12!)
Soviet leader Joseph Stalin (9!) direct ordered the Katyn Massacre (12!) to kill over 20,000 Polish officers! Under Stalin, the Masonic...
1937年12月22日 (9!)海參崴屠殺中國人慘案!
在1917年,俄羅斯革命中,西方撒旦集團已經控制了俄羅斯政權。1937年發生的海參崴屠殺中國人事件,是蘇聯政權內的邪惡撒旦集團造成的。 1937年12月22日 ——蘇聯內務人民委員部人民委員尼古拉·伊萬諾維奇·葉若夫發佈《內務人民委員部第693號命令》,開始在遠東地區清洗大...
Jewish Bolsheviks killed over 60 million Orthodox Christians and Muslims in the Russian Revolution
Most people know about the Holocaust, but did you also know that a much worse mass slaughter of human beings occurred a few decades prior...
Zelensky says "Ukraine has lost track of 200,000 children during the war”
Ukraine is the hub of human trafficking. Russian President Putin rescued helpless children from Ukraine. General Flynn on Ukraine : It’s...
Zelenskyy Unmasked - WHO IS ZELENSKYY
Zelenskyy is an evil Satanist, low-class shameless actor controlled by the Satanic Cabal. 澤連斯基也是一個卑鄙無恥的下九流戲精,政治騙子!...
朝鮮戰爭和俄烏戰爭當然不一樣。朝鮮戰爭是為了捍衛中華民族的領土和利益。 澤連斯基是撒旦集團的傀儡,俄烏戰爭是為了維護撒旦集團的利益和權力!
Trump and Putin negotiate to end the war in Ukraine and investigate the Bio-weapons development!
The timeline is happening 👀 -Trump negotiates end to war in Ukraine. -Putin demands investigation into US bioweapons development in...
BOMBSHELL! Putin Releases 4,000 Page Report Exposing How Elites Have Rigged 2024 US Election
BOMBSHELL! Putin Releases 4,000 Page Report Exposing How Elites Have Rigged 2024 US Election! Watch The People’s Voice Video BOMBSHELL!...
NewsZelensky Visibly Agitated as Trump Dominates Meeting, Citing “Very Good Relationship” With Putin
Zelensky Visibly Agitated as Trump Dominates Meeting, Citing “Very Good Relationship” With Putin
German ex-spy : There were agreements between Zelensky and Polish president Duda to carry out Nord Stream attack!
Ex-head of German intelligence: Zelensky and Duda planned sabotage on Nord Stream
Why did Zelensky change his mind and no longer want China to act as a mediator?
On May 17, 2024: (CNN) Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he wants to work with countries like China with “influence on Russia”...
《席近平》主席由2014 至2020年和烏克蘭總統斷交,直至新冠疫情爭爆發!
2013年12月5日,國家主席習近平,習近平的真身《習近平總書記》,在人民大會堂同烏克蘭總統亞努科維奇舉行會談。雙方就進一步深化中烏戰略夥伴關系和共同關心的問題深入交換意見,達成廣泛共識。 之後大淫婦彭麗媛和《席近平》主席奪取政權,中國和烏克蘭的領導人外交完全停止。...
General Flynn on Ukraine : It’s a hub specifically for child trafficking.
General Flynn on Ukraine: “It’s a hub for human trafficking. It’s a hub specifically for child trafficking. It’s a hub for narcotics...
"Ukraine's membership of NATO would only guarantee World War III."
JUST IN: Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico announces he does not support Ukraine joining NATO. "Ukraine's membership of NATO would...
Who is the real trouble maker? NATO!!
FLASHBACK NOVEMBER 2022 Map of NATO flights to Rzeszow, Poland, from 1 October to 1 November 2022. The city is the official unloading...
Russia : Responsibility for the deliberate missile strike on civilians in Sevastopol lies primarily with the United States
JUST IN: Russia says "a deliberate terrorist missile attack was carried out on the city of Sevastopol by five American ATACMS missiles...
There was certainly a clone double of Putin!
I didn't analyze the historical records of Russian government. In China, two "Xi" Jinping co-exist at the same time to run the...
Sullivan : Russia will launch the first nuclear strike on the United States if more military assistance is provided to Ukraine
WW3 ALERT 🔥 Russia will launch the first nuclear strike on the United States if more military assistance is provided to Ukraine -...
The Satanic Cabal deliberately trying to start WWIII
Blinken says that Ukraine will be joining NATO, and the Article of NATO clearly states that nobody can join NATO who is at war. Blinken...
我曾經分析過美國安全顧問沙利文是白帽子一員。他在3月20日訪問烏克蘭基輔,21日基輔遭俄羅斯空襲。於是撒旦邪魔妖婦就在互聯網散播沙利文在基輔被殺的消息虛假消息。 事實上沙利文在3月22日在華盛頓會見了伊拉克外交部長福阿德·侯賽因。然後3月26日布林肯才跟著會見侯賽因。...
Khazarian stronghold Kiev is getting attacked by Russian forces.
Khazarian stronghold Kiev is getting attacked by Russian forces. All of Ukraine has gone into Red Alert. Poland has activated F-16...
Deadly Moscow terror attack was clearly carried out with the help of Ukraine and the CIA
The Neo-authored text is based on my emergency weekend podcast about the Moscow terror attack. Hear the full podcast at this link. "Neo"...
The Russia Terrorist Attacked was done by Ukraine and CIA
IS collaborates with Ukraine/CIA , Julian Assange report After the dastardly terrorist attack on...
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