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The Chinese Satanic Cabal keep attacking and changing my website setup. If you can't find the page number scroll bar from my event albums, you can find an event tag bar at the 《Blog》 page to retrieve same information. Please press Enter Key at the URL bar to refresh if you encounter problem to view the page!

Janet Yellen has been fired. There are Yellen clones too?

The Satanic Cabal deliberately trying to start WWIII
Blinken says that Ukraine will be joining NATO, and the Article of NATO clearly states that nobody can join NATO who is at war. Blinken...

我曾經分析過美國安全顧問沙利文是白帽子一員。他在3月20日訪問烏克蘭基輔,21日基輔遭俄羅斯空襲。於是撒旦邪魔妖婦就在互聯網散播沙利文在基輔被殺的消息虛假消息。 事實上沙利文在3月22日在華盛頓會見了伊拉克外交部長福阿德·侯賽因。然後3月26日布林肯才跟著會見侯賽因。...

Dr. Annelle Sheline, a State Department official resigned over the United States' support of Israel's ongoing genocide in Gaza.
"Unable to serve an administration that enables such atrocities, I have decided to resign from my position at the Department of State."...

去年11月出訪美國舊金山的那個衹是習近平克隆人替身《席近平》,他們衹是在合謀製造一場政治表演,內容完全沒有新意。 為什麼偽拜登昨晚急急致電習近平?因為十四屆全國人大二次會議,中國撒旦集團徹底失敗。中國共產黨大勝,大淫婦彭麗媛領導下的中國撒旦政權已經崩潰,大淫婦彭麗媛也沒有和...

How can ANYONE who claims to be a Christian or Catholic vote for Joe Biden after this?! There is NO JUSTIFICATION.
The Biden Regime renaming the day we recognize and celebrate Jesus conquering death for all of humanity “Transgender Visibility Day” is...

Joe Biden is a pure Satanist!
The Biden White House has released a statement proclaiming that tomorrow, Easter Sunday, is now Transgender Visibility Day....

Baltimore Bridge Collapse is no accident! (12!)
The name of the bridge "Baltimore" is name after the author of the national anthem (Star-Spangled Banner) of the United State. Francis...

44 US States to end sales taxes on Gold and Silver
Ohio Becomes 41st State to End Sales Taxes on Gold and Silver Vermont Seeks to Become 44th State to Roll Back Sales Tax on Sound Money...

The terrorist attack in Moscow was a MI6/CIA/US State Department OP. The terrorist attack in Moscow was a MI6/CIA/US State Department OP. Because, ISIS “claimed...

ISIS terrorist attack Moscow. Obama created ISIS with the CIA, that's why he was in the UK last week.
President Putin just won the Russian election in a landslide. The DS are in total panic and know what’s coming to them. A few days ago...

General Milley admitted that US is a corporation in the congress hearing
Dear America, please listen clearly. America was IN FACT, a wholly owned corporation until it was dissolved in 2018-19. No need to listen...

Wray In HOT WATER Aftet FBI Official ADMITTED To Josh Hawley Over 'Biden's Bribe' Claim...
Wray In HOT WATER Aftet FBI Official ADMITTED To Josh Hawley Over 'Biden's Bribe' Claim...

Jim Jordan BLASTS Wray for FBI Attacks on Catholics and Conservative Free Speech
Jim Jordan BLASTS Wray for FBI Attacks on Catholics and Conservative Free Speech

Obama, wearing a black tie, arrives No.10 in UK.
🔰 Obama meets for a private conversation with UK Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, in London. Join us here in ➣ @TheTrumpist...

NOW - Biden will only debate Trump if he behaves.
NOW - Biden will only debate Trump if he behaves.

AIPAC sponsored the Tiktok Ban Bill??
Not only are Zionists trying to buy TikTok now, But the dude who brought the bill is majorly supported by AIPAC In the 2022 election...

"Freedom of Speech" in the United States:Truth and Facts
March 2024 Contents Introduction Freedom of Speech in the United States is not worthy of the name The United States violates freedom of...

2024年3月 目录 引 言 一、美国言论自由名不副实 二、美国对内侵犯言论自由 三、美国对外操控言论自由 结 束 语 引 言 美国长期标榜言论自由,也长期奉行双重标准,用所谓“言论自由”的空洞政治口号和虚伪道德面具来掩盖政治操控和社会不公。在美国国内,政治斗争践踏言论...

Donald Trump was fighting against Great Harlot Peng Liyuan and the fake President of China ie Clone of Xi Jinping.
Same as the Chinese Satanic Cabal, they committed crime in the name of Xi Jinping. CIA conducted covert operation in the name of Donald...
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