Donna Lui (呂) See The World | 看世界
The Chinese Satanic Cabal keep attacking and changing my website setup. If you can't find the page number scroll bar from my event albums, you can find an event tag bar at the 《Blog》 page to retrieve same information. Please press Enter Key at the URL bar to refresh if you encounter problem to view the page!
2000 pages with pedophiles names who visited Epstein Island have been released
President Trump EXPOSES Hunter Biden's Collusion with Chinese Satanic Cabal
Biden: “I sold a lot of state secrets and a lot of very important things.”
It was Fauci's cloned double who attended the Milken Institute mRNA Vaccine Discussion
There are multiple Anthony Fauci at the White House Conference
SEC alleges JPMorgan mistakenly deleted 47 million records
Hunter Biden was executed in 2021. What you see now is just a cloned double.
House Sends Biden Impeachment Articles To Committees
Titanic Cover Up: Rothschild-Funded Ocean Gate Sinks Sub To Hide Truth About The Titanic?
U.S. Navy Heard What It Believed Was Titan Implosion Days Ago
John Durham Says FBI Agents ‘Apologized’ To Him For Trump-Russia Investigation
The President of the US publicly stated that Xi had no power to control the government in the past!
Uganda students protest Biden’s dictatorial sanction threats for Anti-gay Law
Biden is a lawless dictator and must be removed immediately.
Halderman Report Released in Georgia – Confirms VOTES CAN BE ALTERED
Tucker : As in most of the developing world, it's safer to be the president's son than his opponent.
The"Blinken" who met Xi Jinping was only a cloned double. He didn't represent the US government!
Exclusive: Zelenskyy warns U.S. will face war if Ukraine support wanes
Tucker Carlson: Wannabe Dictator! | 想成為獨裁者!
FBI Official Admits Doc Alleging Biden Took $5 Million In Bribes Exists To Hawley