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Donna Lui (呂) See The World | 看世界
The Chinese Satanic Cabal keep attacking and changing my website setup. If you can't find the page number scroll bar from my event albums, you can find an event tag bar at the 《Blog》 page to retrieve same information. Please press Enter Key at the URL bar to refresh if you encounter problem to view the page!
Click here to read 他們不想你知道的真相, 小明在Youtube的頻道已被刪除。 請問香港那些高貴的專家,你們憑什麼依據推薦給港人打mRNA"復必泰"疫苗? 你們是否衹是讀Pfizer報告?你們不知道他們所說的95%有效率(Effectiveness)是假...
點擊這裏 許多中國知識份子強力批評文化大革命,是不能接受的過錯。但事實上,文化大革命是由大部分的中國農民對於封建階級制度不滿而發起的革命,最終花了十年中國共產黨成功的進行土地改革。 那些崇洋媚外的人覺得外國人高尚,中國政府是獨裁專政。他們的伎倆真的很'高超',陰險至極。祇有...
Alternative voices on vaccination from western medical expert
‼️MASSIVE DUMP‼️ - Doctors who explain clearly why vaccines aren't safe or effective. 1. Dr. Nancy Banks - 2. Dr....
BREAKING DISCOVERY! What COVID Injections Do To Your BLOOD! Doctor Releases Horrific Findings!
Click here to read The Deep State is killing vaccination opponents. I don't understand why the globalists still have the power to force...
US CDC made up fake data shamelessly
US CDC used to provided a historical COVID dataset page for us to download the COVID data. I had downloaded the csv on May 2021 and...
COVID Is Crime Against Humanity! We Have A SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE!
Bill Gates is an owner of global firm GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance, in researching and developing vaccines. Fuellmich explained the example...
“The Virus Is Fictitious.” CDC Sued by 7 Universities’ Scientists for Huge Fraud
Click here to read Dr. Derek Knauss says: I have a PhD in virology and immunology. I’m a clinical lab scientist and have tested 1,500...
Exclusive: Biden's top intelligence official says COVID origins may never be known
Click here to read Avril Haines declared that COVID was not from Wuhan lab.
NIH study suggests coronavirus may have been in U.S. as early as December 2019
Click here to read The study was conducted on early 2020, why did NIH only publish the report now? Their original intention was to...
New Studies Proves Hydroxychloroquine Downplayed by Evil Dr. Anthony Fauci
Must See!! New Studies Proves Hydroxychloroquine Downplayed by Evil Dr. Anthony Fauci is a highly effective Covid-19 Treatment – Trump is...
不要以爲自己不打疫苗就安全了,打了疫苗的人會讓你身處危險!解讀輝瑞官方報告 輝瑞官方報告的鏈接:
United States COVID-19 Cases and Deaths by State over Time If you go to CDC to download the...
Trump urges supporters Not to get ‘great’ COVID-19 vaccines Against Their Will
Click here to read Bill Gates was deceased and Facui was arrested too. Trump might have taken over the control over vaccine industry.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine adverse reactions
Click here to read Just look at these statistics. Shocking! UK Government Report. Pfizer vaccine adverse reactions Execution date: March...
輝瑞疫苗有副作用已經是衆所周知,震撼的是最新的報告來自英國政府: 107宗死亡個案,5人失明,31人視力受損,634種眼疾...!😢另外有4宗即時小產—-奇怪的是政府曾經提醒即將臨盆的孕婦不要接種新冠疫苗。 Click here to read 很大劑 😰😰😰...
Not one person with a brain would take a Covid test or vaccine after watching this disturbing video
Facebook bans this video They should stop making this kind of toxic vaccines. They should corporate with China to make real vaccine to...
USA total mortality 2020 vs 2018, 2017, 2016 per CDC documents
This is solid evidence to prove that the deep state and Fauci lied. They forced the medical practitioners to certify the cause of death...
WHO reduced the PCR testing thresholds
It is suspicious that WHO is being controlled by Bill Gate. Why didn't they change the thresholds before Jan 20? Why didn't they ever...
WHO's new guideline to lower PCR test thresholds
If this news is true, WHO is truly controlled by Bill Gate. Why didn't they change the thresholds before Jan 20? Why didn't they ever...
Pfizer's efficacy is only 29%
Peter Doshi: Pfizer and Moderna’s “95% effective” vaccines—we need more details and the raw data Click here to view
CDC Deaths in the United State for COVID. COVID death is fake.
This CDC report confirmed that the US COVID statistic was manipulated by the Democrats and big Tech. As I have told earlier in facebook,...
Pfizer Vaccine Extra Doses found
Click here to read article "University of Utah who monitors drug shortages. “It’s pretty unusual to have a full extra dose or more though...
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