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The Chinese Satanic Cabal keep attacking and changing my website setup. If you can't find the page number scroll bar from my event albums, you can find an event tag bar at the 《Blog》 page to retrieve same information. Please press Enter Key at the URL bar to refresh if you encounter problem to view the page!
A Narcissist is a shameless professional liar and cheater that nothing is matter except herself.
Those with grandiose narcissism are aggressive, dominant, and exaggerate their importance. Signs of Narcissism A sense of...
Zhou Enlai & his bastard daughter Peng Liyuan are definitely psychopathic and narcissistic Satanists!
13 Clear Traits of a Psychopath (Spot Them)
Great Harlot Peng Liyuan is definitely a malignant narcissist!
Great Harlot Peng Liyuan never admits her evil wrongdoings although they are already well known. She lies and deceives endlessly in...
Why Narcissist APPEARS So STUPID
Ignorant is different from stupidity. Many peoples made mistakes because they were ignorant, not stupid. However, the Narcissists are...
Great Harlot Peng Liyuan can't tolerate losing face!
The glorious reputations of the Chinese Satanic Cabal and Great Harlot Peng Liyuan were built by pretending false images via cheats and...
Great Harlot Peng Liyuan is absolutely a Malignant Narcissist! 大淫婦彭麗媛絕對是邪惡性的自戀者!
Peng Liyuan is a malignant narcissist that she jeopardizes the national security of China Dr. Phil discusses the philosophy and...
Demon Zhou En Lai and Great Harlot Peng Liyuan are definitely evil narcissists!
Demon Zhou En Lai and Great Harlot Peng Liyuan are definitely evil narcissists! They treated and abused people like shit and then...
Narcissists rewrite history to escape accountability! You are not crazy!
Narcissists will deny and lie about events, things they said and did, broken promises and betrayals they have engaged in to escape...
All the mental patients in the world are more normal than those shameless and evil Satanic brutes!
世上所有精神病患者都比哪些無恥下流邪惡的撒旦畜生正常! Only a small number of mental patients would attack people. Most mental patients are far less harmful and...
Overindulgence and parent mirroring are also the cause of narcissism! 過度放縱和模仿父母也是自戀的原因!
中國撒旦集團正在 Facebook 和 YouTube 上推動一種說法,聲稱童年創傷是自戀的主要原因。 大淫婦彭麗媛又在扮受害者! 根據 Ramani 博士的說法,自戀的原因有很多。 過度放縱和模仿父母也是自戀的原因。 彭麗媛和周恩來究竟是什麼關係?...
Great Harlot Peng Liyuan is an evil narcissist who only cares about herself.
Absolute rubbish! Xi Jinping has been talking to Great Harlot Peng Liyuan for 30 years. Did she ever listen? Did she ever correct her...
This is what evil narcissists would normally say!
This is what evil narcissists would normally say! She never admits her mistakes, it's all other people's fault!
為什麼一定要當主角?每個人有自己的角色和本分,各顯其能! 我是聞名於世的《天下第一奴才》! 那又如何? 這就是大淫婦彭麗媛自戀狂心態,天天想著做主角,自以為至高無上的存在! 這才叫挑撥離間!
Great Harlot Peng Liyuan & Chinese Satanic Cabal committed the COVID crime in the name of Xi Jinping
The population reduction and control plan via the COVID outbreak has been planned for many years by the Satanic Cabal. Great Harlot Peng...
Malignant narcissists are good at gaslighting, manipulating, and playing victims!
Whoever provokes first is always wrong! 先撩者賤! Malignant narcissists are good at gaslighting, manipulating, and playing victims!
The Narcissist always plays the victim cards!
Great Harlot Peng Liyuan is a malignant narcissist who is extremely good at cheating and acting! She sets Xi Jinping up and hurts him,...
大淫婦彭麗媛真的下流卑劣,毫無羞恥!到現在這一刻仍然偽裝為受害者,把自己的婚姻失敗的原因歸咎於別人的嘴巴! 習近平早在2019年已經和大淫婦彭麗媛提出離婚。我在2019年9月才和習近平聯絡上。為什麼一個堂堂國家主席會向一個素未謀面的女性求婚,而堅決要離開一個陪伴他30年的第...
Great Harlot Peng Liyuan is absolutely wicked and harmful to our country!
Never give empathy to a narcissist especially satanic Peng Liyuan. She never acknowledges her problems. She has to be at the top of Xi....
Great Harlot Peng Liyuan is a sickening narcissist who will do anything to win!
Great Harlot Peng Liyuan is a sickening narcissist who has no shame at all. She persistently steals and cheats in public eyes even though...
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