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中國撒旦媒體詐騙 | Chinese Satanic Media Deceit  

中國和香港的主要媒體包括中共黨媒,CCTV, 人民日報, 新華社, 鳳凰衛視,TVB, 大公報, 文匯報,HK01, 星島日報,南華早報都是受到大淫婦彭麗媛和中國撒旦集團操控的。他們協助大淫婦彭麗媛和《席近平》主席造假,蓄意混淆習近平總書記和席近平主席的身份。不斷吹捧撒旦畜生周恩來和錢學森等人的功勞。

All Chinese Satanic Media including CCP media, CCTV, People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency, Phoenix TV,  TVB, Ta Kung Pao, Wen Wei Pao, HK01, SingTao Daily, SCMP are controlled by the Great Harlot Peng Liyuan and the Chinese Satanic Cabal. They assisted Great Harlot Peng Liyuan and President "Xi-席“ Jinping in making false claims and deliberately confused the identities of General Secretary Xi Jinping and President "Xi-席“ Jinping. Constantly praising the merits of the Satanic beasts Zhou Enlai, Qian Xuesen and others.

Donna Leung @

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