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中國共產黨中央委員會總書記習近平 | General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Xi Jinping

以往中國政府是由中國撒旦集團這個偽政權操控的,以往中國政府衹是受撒旦集團操控的一間公司。撒旦國務院是最高權力機關。世上有兩個習近平,一個是《中國共產黨中央委員會總書記》,另一個是習近平克隆人替身 《中共中央總書記,國家主席,中央軍委主席》,亦即是《席近平》主席。由 《中央委員會總書記》習近平帶領下的中國共產黨才是以“為人民服務”為核心價值。《守江山,守的是人民的心》!

In the past, the Chinese government was controlled by the pseudo-regime of the Chinese Satanic Cabal. The Chinese government was just a company controlled by the Satanic Cabal. The Satanic State Council is the highest authority. There are two Xi Jinping in the world. One is General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CCP  Xi Jinping, the other is a Xi Jinping's clone double President 《Xi-席 Jinping》. The core value of the CCP leading by General Secretary Xi Jinping is to serve the people. "Guard the country, guard the hearts of the people"!

Donna Leung @

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