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香港政府 | Hong Kong Government

香港政府團隊長期受到撒旦集團操控, 訓練了一班反中國共產黨的精英公務員。這班政府公務員嚴重缺乏政治常識和國際視野,他們衹是一班擅長執行命令的行政人員。香港雖然在1997年回歸中國, 但是政府內部的公務員都衹是撒旦集團的傀儡, 所有政策都是和中國共產黨和香港人民福祉對著幹的。尤其是撒旦傀儡林鄭月娥, 她是聽從中國撒旦集團和大淫婦彭麗媛的指揮一直公開和習近平對抗。

The Hong Kong government has been manipulated by the Satanic Cabal for a long time, and they have trained a group of anti-CCP civil servants. This group of government civil servants seriously lacks political knowledge and international vision. They are just a group of administrative personnel who are good at executing orders. Although Hong Kong returned to China in 1997, the civil servants in the government are just puppets of the Satanic Cabal, and all policies are against the Chinese Communist Party and the welfare of Hong Kong people. Especially the Satanic puppet Carrie Lam, who has been openly confronting Xi Jinping under the command of the Chinese Satanic Cabal and the great Harlot Peng Liyuan.

Donna Leung @

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