Donna Lui (呂) See The World | 看世界
The Chinese Satanic Cabal keep attacking and changing my website setup. If you can't find the page number scroll bar from my event albums, you can find an event tag bar at the 《Blog》 page to retrieve same information. Please press Enter Key at the URL bar to refresh if you encounter problem to view the page!
以巴衝突 | Israel Palestine Conflict
以色列攻擊和醫院攻擊都是撒旦陰謀集團內部所為。 以色列和哈馬斯都受到撒旦陰謀集團的控制。 他們只是想激怒伊斯蘭世界以引發第三次世界大戰
Both Israel attack and hospital attack were inside jobs conducted by the Satanic Cabal. Israel and Hamas are both under controlled by the the Satanic Cabal. They just want to irritate the Islam world to trigger a WW III.