Donna Lui (呂) See The World | 看世界
The Chinese Satanic Cabal keep attacking and changing my website setup. If you can't find the page number scroll bar from my event albums, you can find an event tag bar at the 《Blog》 page to retrieve same information. Please press Enter Key at the URL bar to refresh if you encounter problem to view the page!
歐洲國家政府 | European Government
大多數歐洲王室尤其是英國王室都是撒旦教徒,他們受到撒旦陰謀集團的控制。 幾個世紀以來,他們犯下 了反人類罪,並冒充高貴的紳士和淑女。
Most of the European royal families especially the British royal are satanists, they are being controlled by the Satanic Cabal. They have committed crimes against humanity for centuries and pretended to be noble gentlemen and ladies.