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國際熱話 | International Hot Topics
Here you can see international hot topics including culture, art, entertainment, etc. Especially the international activities controlled by the Satanic group.

What happened to this woman? She stuck in the airport for more than a month?

USA lets athletes cheat with steroids, as it accuses Russia & China of violating anti-doping rules
According to the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), the US has allowed athletes in international competitions, including the Olympics, to...

Why US didn't host any Olympic since 1984? They only wanted to spend money to sponsor global warfare instead domestic development.
US is supposed to be the most powerful country in the world. Why didn't they host another Olympic since 1984 Los Angeles Olympic? It...

How Olympic Sports Doping Actually Works | How Crime Works | Insider
How #OlymicDoping actually works for US athletes other than the TUE (Therapeutic Use Exemption)

U.S. Journalist Makes Fool of Self as He Cries Foul to Defame Chinese Athletes: Commentary
U.S. Journalist Makes Fool of Self as He Cries Foul to Defame Chinese Athletes: Commentary

Google and DuckGoGo search hide those unfavorable but honest YouTube Videos about the Olympic doping incident
Why do the Satanic Media deliberately hide those unfavorable but honest YouTube videos? It is simply becasuse they are cheating!!

WADA statement on Reuters story exposing USADA scheme in contravention of World Anti-Doping Code
The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) responds to a Reuters story of 7 August 2024 exposing a scheme whereby the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency...

The TRUTH About Chinese Olympic Swimmers Revealed!
The TRUTH About Chinese Olympic Swimmers Revealed!

Romanian PM to boycott Olympics’ closing ceremony after ‘scandalous situation’ in gymnastics ruling
PARIS (AP) — Romania’s Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said Tuesday that he will boycott the Paris Olympics ’ closing ceremony due to a...

Chinese Swimmers Undergo record Anti-Doping Tests in Paris.
Whereas many Western Olympic athletes legally use banned drugs to get doping exemption!

The US's hypocrisy and double standards know no limits, and are dangerously undermining the Olympic spirit.
American sprinter Erriyon Knighton tested positive in a doping test (in 2024), but the US Anti-Doping Agency determined that he had eaten...

The Satanic Cabal highly politicize the Olympic games. It is truly a racism against Chinese!
Regarding the Chinese Swimmer doping incident happened 3 years ago, all the western media demonized the Chinese swimmers. After WADA's...



How Western Olympic athletes (legally) use banned drugs
According to the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) historical annual reports, they did publish the actual numbers of approved TUEs...

Do you believe Celine Dion suffered from Intense Seizure?
I used to be a fan of Celine Dion and bought a lot of her CDs. After doing researches on the Satanic Cabal, I don't believe their satanic...

What is the main objective of World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)? #OlympicGames World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), an agency set up for the sole...

What makes Michael Phelps age so fast?
Michael Fred Phelps was born in 1985. In 2016 Olympic, he is 31 years ago. In 2024, he is 39 years old. In Jun 25 2024, Michael Phelps...

It is a common practice for western athletes to apply "doping exemption".
According to House of Commons Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee Report: There has been a marked rise in the number of TUEs...

The main table tennis racket of Chinese table tennis player Wang Chuqin was deliberately broken by a male reporter in the venue. His...

An informed source said that the U.S. may frame Chinese athletes for doping by planting evidence in or near their dorms.
中國日報歐盟分社社長/專欄作家陳偉華 獨家報導:據知情人士透露,美國可能會透過在中國運動員宿舍或宿舍附近放置證據來陷害中國運動員服用興奮劑。至少一名中國運動員回到宿舍後發現行李被搜查。 消息人士稱,有跡象表明,美國甚至可能採取域外措施迫害中國奧運代表團成員。 China...

What is Olympic sportsmanship?
Respect your competitors is one of the basic sportsmanship! 巴黎奧運男子100米自由泳 潘展樂打破世界紀錄奪金感言: 憋著一口氣吧,我在下面跟他們打招呼,他一點都不理我,包括美國隊的阿萊克西。...

Record 191 openly LGBTQ+ athletes competing in 2024 Olympics
Therefore, the Paris Olympics believes that it is fair and just for biological male athletes to compete with female athletes. Paris...

Two Male Boxers Cleared to Fight Women at Paris Olympics
Two male boxers have been cleared to fight against women at the 2024 Paris Olympics, despite previously failing gender tests. Imane...

Same as London Olympic, Paris Olympic predict another pandemic again!
In 2012 London Olympic Open Ceremony, they predict the COVID pandemic. Now in 2024 Paris Olympic, they showed the grey house. The grey...

俄羅斯被禁止參加奧運會,因為他發動了戰爭! 以色列被允許參加奧運會,因為體育和戰爭無關!
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