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流行病與疫苗 | Pandemic & Vaccine  

2020年發生的新冠疫情, 是撒旦集團精心設計的人口滅絕計畫一部分。首先新冠病毒是由比爾蓋茨和福奇專家在美國實驗室製造的。中國撒旦集團協助在武漢爆發第一宗案例, 然後擴展到全世界。首先他們在數據上造假, PCR新貫病毒測試是一場騙局, 目的是要製造大量病患者的數據, 製造恐慌。而最終目的就是要迫使全人類打生化武器有毒的疫苗。

The COVID-19 epidemic that occurred in 2020 is part of the Satanic Cabal's well-planned population reduction plan. First of all, the coronavirus was created in a US laboratory by Bill Gates and Fauci. The Chinese Satanic Cabal assisted them to create the first outbreak in Wuhan and then expanded to the world. First of all, they falsified the inflection data. The PCR test is just a scam. The purpose is to create massive inflection cases and create panic. The ultimate goal is to force all human beings to vaccinate with the bio-weapon vaccines.

Donna Leung @

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