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“Adam" - a very important person of my awakening!


I just woke up from a dream. I dreamt of my old American colleague whose last name is "Adam"!

I didn't talk about him in the past 3 years because I worried about my identity would be exposed. But now, I guess the Satanic Cabal already knows my identity and my IP address.

I used to work in a giant US corporation during the 1990s and my bosses are British. One department head whose last name is "Adam". He was satisfied with the quality of my professional service that he always smiled at me. In fact, my immediate boss was a handsome British guy and he shares the same first name as "Adam". Besides, there was another American who was very nice to me as well. However, I only have a crush on "Adam".

Since I was very unhappy with my family situation at that time, I did want to meet someone special who can share with me. On the other hand, I was thinking about changing jobs because that company could not offer me a good professional ladder. Then I ran into him rashly and told him how I feel. Of course, he turned me down! Then, I resigned and changed new job.

I felt very upset and miserable during that period. That was the time I got an emotional breakdown.

"Adam" is not the reason for my breakdown, he just triggered it.

Nervous Breakdown and Broke into a foreigner's apartment

At that time, I had already moved out from my family and lived with a roommate. My roommate is Malaysian Chinese and mainly speaks English. Since my emotion was not stable, my roommate moved out. One night, I had an illusion of myself making a speech in front of many people while I was having my shower. I spoke something strange. I ran out of my bathroom and wrote down a few sentences on a piece of paper like

"I am a genius and I will change the world". My roommate should have read this paper.

Then, I was naked and walking in the street, someone called the police and I went back home.

"Nakedness" has a special meaning in the Bible. Adam and Eve were naked in the Garden of Eden.

After a couple of hours, I dressed up and walked down the street again. I walked from one end of the street to the other end of the street, then entered a residential building and directly went up to a particular floor. I directly opened the door of an unlocked apartment. The whole process was very smooth without any stops. There was a dog waving his tail and welcoming me.

That apartment was owned by a western couple. The apartment was occupied with many traditional Chinese antique furniture. (My roommate's hobbit is also to restore Chinese antique furniture!)

I checked out the furniture. Then I sat down and played with the dog for 30 mins. I left my rucksack on the ground and left the apartment. Since I didn't have the key to go back home and I felt wrong about myself. I asked a security guard to call an ambulance to enter into hospital. This was the first time I got a nervous breakdown and enter the mental hospital.

The apartment owners then contacted me because they found my wallet and business card in my rucksack.

Prediction Essay

As I mentioned before, I had written a prediction essay during that period. I am not sure if the essay was written before or after my hospitalization.

My nervous breakdown was a big story and created a lot of rumors. I didn't respond to any of these rumors. I felt sorry if my misbehavior had caused any trouble to "Adam". As I said earlier, this was not his fraud at all!

This unpleasant incident gradually faded away. "Adam" did occasionally pop up in my mind not because of thinking of him. It seems like he has to be kept in my memory.

During the 2019 Hong Kong color revolution, I felt very upset about the chaos. I knew that my family was being monitored because one of my relatives participated in the movement and another relative had closely worked with CCP in the past. In fact, I was connected to Xi Jinping's officials because of this incident.

Suddenly, "Adam" was pop up in my mind again, as I dreamt about him just now. I connected "Adam", "Nervous Breakdown Incident", " Prediction Essay", and "CCP".

Therefore, I was awakened and aware of my life purpose.

I know that I am chosen by GOD to change the world!!


Donna Leung @

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