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An informed source said that the U.S. may frame Chinese athletes for doping by planting evidence in or near their dorms.


獨家報導:據知情人士透露,美國可能會透過在中國運動員宿舍或宿舍附近放置證據來陷害中國運動員服用興奮劑。至少一名中國運動員回到宿舍後發現行李被搜查。 消息人士稱,有跡象表明,美國甚至可能採取域外措施迫害中國奧運代表團成員。

China Daily EU Bureau Chief/columnist Chen Weihua:

Scoop: An informed source said that the U.S. may frame Chinese athletes for doping by planting evidence in or near their dorms. At least one Chinese athlete went back to the dorm finding luggage being searched. The source said that there is indication that U.S. may even resort to extraterritorial measures to persecute members of the Chinese Olympic delegation.


Donna Leung @

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