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Chances of full Ukrainian victory 'not high' but peace is possible, US General says

This is a significant signal that the Satanic Cabal surrendered!

Army General Mark Milley, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, warned that Russia was still a military threat despite recent setbacks.

The United States' top General has played down the odds of any short term Ukraine military victory, warning that Russia still had significant combat power. General Mark Milley, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, said it is unlikely that Kyiv can force Moscow out of all the territory that it currently occupies in a Pentagon Press conference.



美國參謀長聯席會議主席馬克米利將軍火上澆油。在他的演講中,他表示 ( 軍事勝利的機會對於烏克蘭尚不可能,警告俄羅斯仍然擁有強大的戰鬥力。這位將軍還補充說,基輔不太可能將俄軍趕出其目前佔據的陣地。




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