Vaccinations against Covid-19 negatively affect the innate immune system. Studies show this, but real data, in particular, provide more and more evidence.
In Scotland, England, Australia, Canada and in an increasing number of countries, the emergence of vaccine-induced AIDS - immunodeficiency syndrome acquired as a result of vaccination against Covid-19 can be observed. Now this is confirmed by data from New Zealand.
Experts such as Professor Suharit Bhakdi and Michael Yedon have long warned that the spike protein produced by vaccinations against Covid-19 is very toxic and ultimately destroys the human immune system.
Within a few months, there was even more evidence that experimental injections of Covid gene therapy, which received only emergency approval, weaken the immune system and have numerous side effects, many of which are life-threatening.
The essential aspects of V-Aids are the loss of the function of killer cells, deactivation of the interferon system, functional depletion of helper cells and genetic reprogramming of protective cells.
The graph shows the real indicators of the immune system of the fully vaccinated population of New Zealand in the period from January 6 to February 11 and from February 12 to February 24, 22 compared with the indicators of the immune system of the unvaccinated population.
In the period from January 6 to February 11, the immune system indicators of the fully vaccinated were minus 49%, that is, their immune system was only 51%.
By February 24, the immune system scores of the fully vaccinated in New Zealand had dropped to minus 74%, which means that the immune system of the fully vaccinated had deteriorated by another 25% in just 13 days, leaving only 26% of the immune system available to fight infections such as bacteria, viruses and parasites, and to prevent the development of some types of cancer.
The article is complete with all links and graphs here:
