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Google's Financial data is also being manipulated too. Google is a satanic media, everything is fake!

According to worldwide search engines statistic, Google search engine's market share remains the same in the past 10 years. Some analytical reports indicate that Google lose market shares to other software. Of course, the fake news media denied it.

However, if you look into Google's Financial statement, their annual revenue increased drastically from 2020 to 2021 from 181.69B to 256.74B by 41%.

Why did Google revenue increased drastically while their search engine market shares remained unchanged? Besides, we were in COVID crisis during 2020-2021, almost all economic activities shut down.

It is very obviously that the Google annual revenue is overstated to fool the world! They want to deny the great awakening movement. Google is a satanic media, everything is fake!


Donna Leung @

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