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Now Jesus is back again, and won this time! | 現在耶穌又回來了,這一次贏了!


你們以往長期以來製作了大量虛假的視頻和文章,羞辱污衊中共領導人。 他們有沒有威脅過你? 或者他們曾經懲罰過你嗎?

看看我收到的大量威脅信息。 這才是真正的封建獨裁者。 你過去有多幸運?

You have produced a large number of fake videos and articles to humiliate and slander the CCP leaders in the past for a long time. Did they ever threaten you? Or did they ever punish you?

Look at the large number of threatening messages I received. This is the real feudal dictator. How lucky were you in the past?


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