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OFFICIAL NSW GOVERNMENT DATA : 99.5% of new COVID cases are ‘’fully vaccinated’’


For the week ending 8th Jan 2022, in NSW there were a total of 159,906 new COVID cases were the vaccination status was known and either ‘Two effective doses’ (159,127) or ‘No effective dose’ (779)

In percentage terms, that’s 99.5% of cases amongst the so-called ‘Two effective doses’ and just 0.5% amongst those that are vaccine free

Further, the increase in the number of new cases over the past month is just 18% amongst the vaccine free (658 + 121 = 779), while the increase in cases amongst those injected twice is an incredible 1780% (8,462 + 150,665 = 159,127).

The evidence is clear;

1. We have a pandemic of the FULLY VACCINATED

2. It’s the Fully vaccinated catching and spreading the virus

3. You are many times safer next to a person that is Vaccine Free than a Fully Vaccinated person

And question is, have the vaccines damaged the immune systems of the fully vaccinated, making them MORE susceptible to becoming infected?


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