I don't know how the White hats control the awakening information and messages flow including my website. I really wonder if both the Chinese and Western Satanic Cabal or Great Harlot Peng Liyuan can access the same information as we do.
The whole chess game seems to be very sophisticated that some Satanists are restricted to limited information only.
I have been hearing about this EBS for a couple of years. Some points below are doubtful to me such as replacing all phones and computers globally for everyone.
Let's wait and see.
Prepare For Emergency Broadcast System World-wide Activation
The EBS will involve Two to Ten Days of Communication Darkness Worldwide where Phones,
Internet, Credit/Debit Cards and ATMs will not work, while three eight-hour documentaries a
day will be broadcast on TV and Radio 24/7 across the Globe.
EBS stands for Emergency Broadcast System.
This is where the White Hats, and the military, are pulling together to reveal to the world, what the evil tyrants are doing. How they are harming and totally destroying life as we know it.
Chaos and Riots will occur because a lot of special ops will be carried out during this
time. The final arrests will take place, but the dark side of-course, will do all in their
power to prevent that from happening. They are/will organize riots in large numbers.
Only a select few know the moment of the exact and precise time of the Event. For
safety and other obvious reasons, it must be properly protected.
The EBS will go into all cell phones, TV, Radio and Computers worldwide.
You will have 3 to 6 hours to get home, or to a place to stay for 3-10 days.
Stay in your place of residence. The Militaries Worldwide will be making mass arrests
on over 3,000 criminal people who have been indicted. If you go outside you may be
During those 10 days of communication darkness, the following will happen:
We will receive 7 “Trumpets” aka EBS text messages to our phones warning us to turn
on the TV at this time.
The EBS will air an 8 hour video to be replayed three times a day for ten days of
Communication Darkness. It will cover topics of arrests, tribunals, corruption, fraud,
pedophilia, etc.
Our phones will only work for 911 (emergency calls). No ATM‟s; No Banks: No
Internet. Our ATM machines will not be working.
The Telegram Channels will be available which are military encrypted.
Documents, business, photos, etc. – everything that‘s precious to you must be saved
outside of your computer.
They are telling us not to be too concerned about your bank accounts. The Quantum
Financial System has a mirror image copy of all your transactions, so even if for some
reason the bank doesn‘t get to re-open, your money will be safe. You and only you will
have access to your bank account by your Q Phone using your DNA as a password.
After the ten days of communication darkness we will be going over onto a
completely different system when it „comes back‟. This will be the Quantum Internet
System. Apple and Windows etc. will be no more. In fact, they are saying they are going
to ‗burn out‘ the insides of our computers. The systems have been used for evil purposes
and must be done away with.
When the ten days are done we will all receive a new Quantum Phone and a new
Quantum Computer.
We were promised a new Star-link Internet system by the end of the month.
People are being urged to stock up on food and water for at least three weeks.
It might take awhile for everything to come back up to full speed again.
After EBS and 8 hours of 24/7 movies, things will change. Life support, bound to old
and evil systems, will be withdrawn. Humanity and planet Earth are simultaneously
transitioning into a quantum reality awareness system (Peace and Prosperity). End the
slavery of financial and human consciousness.
Old systems of government, education, finance, healthcare, trade and commerce etc.,
will be dismantled and replaced.
With the EBS the world militaries will take over and every leader in the world
President, Prime Minister, King or Queen must STAND DOWN. This includes President
Trump. (Don't worry he will be back).
Once Trump makes it official (his big decision coming), then we have elections within
120 days.
It is then when we elect governments 10% the size of what we have now. We will
never have Democrat vs Republican or Liberal vs Labour again.
Under GESARA we get scrubbed back to original constitutions and sitting leaders will
be in power for as long as they want, til death, or they do wrong. If they do wrong by the
people they get removed by Military.