
Only a small number of mental patients would attack people. Most mental patients are far less harmful and destructive to society than those Satanic politicians and elites who believe they are entitled to control and exterminate humanity.
Satanic narcissists can do extremely dirty things to destroy and hurt others so as to protect their own interests and faces. They are true psychopaths!
All the mental patients in the world are more normal than those shameless and evil Satanic brutes.
只有少數精神病人會攻擊人。 大多數精神病人對社會的危害和破壞力遠不如那些自認為有權控制和滅絕人類的撒但政客和精英。
撒旦自戀者為了維護自己的利益和面子,可以做出極其骯髒的事情來毀滅和傷害他人。 他們是真正的精神病患者!