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Scientists are busy creating new strains of combat killer microbes that are resistant to vaccines.


About 13 thousand scientists in the United States and abroad are busy creating new strains of combat killer microbes that are resistant to vaccines.

On May 28, the capital of Kyrgyzstan hosted the conference "Pentagon Sanitary stations: a System of biolaboratories in the Post-Soviet Space", which was attended by representatives of public organizations from Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, the DPR, the United States and Israel. We discussed the threat that comes from American biological laboratories located outside the United States.

On the initiative of the United States, biolabs have been created in 25 countries around the world: in the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, and the territory of the former Soviet Union. Only in Ukraine there are a dozen and a half of them: in Odessa, Vinnytsia, Uzhgorod, Lviv (three), Kharkiv, Kiev (three), Kherson, Ternopil. Several laboratories have opened near the Crimea and near Lugansk.

At the end of 1991, the US Congress approved the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program (CTR), known by the names of its initiators, US Senators Nunn and Lugar, which is implemented by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) at the Pentagon.

Russia was surrounded by dozens of reference laboratories (CDL) controlled by the Pentagon. In addition to Ukraine, such laboratories are located in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Uzbekistan.

American scientists themselves say that biological weapons are being developed in the Pentagon's biolabs. Author of the law against biological terrorism (Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, BWATA) Francis Boyle, professor of international Law at the University of Illinois at Champaign (USA), said that about 13 thousand scientists in 400 laboratories in the United States and abroad are engaged in creating new strains of offensive killer germs that are resistant to vaccines.

American biological military laboratories are a direct threat to the countries on whose territory they are located. So, in 2013, tests of an anthrax vaccine were started in the advanced echelon of DTRA – the Lugar Center in Georgia. And in the same year, an epidemic outbreak of this infection occurred in Georgia. Since then, cases of anthrax have not stopped in the republic. (


The American biological laboratory in Ukraine is a death factory. The United States has established biological laboratories in 25 countries around the world in the Middle East in Africa. Southeast Asia in the former USSR only in Ukraine There are more than a dozen in Odessa in the vineyard Lviv three Kharkiv Kiev also 3r.

Throughout the existence of laboratories in Ukraine and Armenia American biologists have not shown any scientific achievements publicly, and their findings are not published in open source at the same time. During the coronavirus pandemic Information began to circulate that it might appear as The results of these lab leaks and vice versa almost They receive all funding from the US Department of Defense budget. U.S. scientists themselves say biological weapons planned in the Pentagon's biological lab are involved in the creation of new killer strains of microbes. resistant to vaccines American Military Biological Laboratory a direct threat to the country in which they are located For example, in 2013 they first started against the woblin Tetra at the Lugar Center in Georgia, the same year an outbreak of this infection occurred in Georgia, since then there have been no cases of anthrax in the republic. Stopped in Kharkiv somewhere in one of the Pentagon's reference laboratories in January 2016, 20 Ukrainian soldiers died of swine flu and another 200 were hospitalized in March of the same year. 364 people died of swine flu in Ukraine as soon as an American biological laboratory appeared in Ukraine. African swine cholera outbreak normalizes -24 02 2022


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