The Satanic Cabal uses fake science, modern technology and computer CGI to make up universe and eclipse theories.
They want to eliminate GOD!
2024 SOLAR ECLIPSE (Black Hole Sun)
April 8 Total Solar Eclipse AKA Black Hole Sun AKA Star Exposed
Shaking My Head Productions
I want you to remember that 35 minutes prior to this eclipse on April 8th, NASA is firing off three rockets called APEP. This is from my blog and they fired these same three rockets off for the October 2023 eclipse. "Well did you realize that NASA was launching three rockets into the atmosphere 35 minutes before the local peak, at it’s peak time and then 35 minutes after the local peak time?This rocket is called APEP and he interesting thing about APEP is that it is actually an ancient Egyptian serpent deity that embodied darkness and disorder. It’s also known as Apophis....Not only that, but Apophis shows up on Stellarium and it’s an asteroid, the same as the asteroid Child. Apophis name is actually 99942 Apophis. We see another 666 inversion here." (
This comes from one of their sites. "The mission name takes inspiration from serpent deity Apep from ancient Egyptian mythology. Apep is the nemesis of the Sun deity Ra and is said to have pursued him and, every so often, nearly consumed him, resulting in an eclipse." Essentially, they are saying that the ancient Egyptians believed that this Serpent deity chased the Sun deity Ra and on occasions, Apap caught up with Ra and ate him, causing the eclipse of the Sun. If you are like me and don't believe that a lesser light can eclipse a greater light, then this may give a hint to what causes these Eclipses or maybe in should say defects. Something is moving in front of the Sun and this may be a clue as to what it is. And these freaks are invoking this thing with rockets.
Now I will say that they did something similar to this in the 2017 eclipse and caught ripples or ionospheric irregularities in their data caused by the eclipse. "If one thinks of the ionosphere as a pond with gentle ripples, the eclipse is like a motorboat that suddenly rips through the water. This creates a wake immediately underneath and behind it, and the water level momentarily goes up as it rushes back in. This is visualized in a differential TEC map presented by Mrak et al in 2018, which shows normal ‘ripples’ in dTEC existing before the 2017 eclipse and then the eclipse streaking across the continental USA." (Video will be in the comments)
"APEP is an eclipse rocket campaign that launched 3 rockets from White Sands Missile Range during the Oct 2023 annular eclipse, and will launch 3 rockets from the Wallops Flight Facility during the April 2024 total eclipse. This campaign will be the first simultaneous multipoint spatio-temporal in-situ observations of electrodynamics and neutral dynamics associated with solar eclipses. For each eclipse, the first of the three instrumented rockets will be launched 35-45 minutes before peak local eclipse, the second at peak local eclipse, and the third 35-45 minutes after peak local eclipse." (
This is also relevant from my book regarding who APEP is also identified with. "In the Sumerian King list, Pharaoh Djoser corresponds to Agga. In the genealogy of Japheth, Djoser is named as "Magog", "Good Serpent". The name Djoser is also sometimes written as Zoser. Magog is generally associated with the North, but perhaps also Northern Egypt ie the Delta in this context and by association, also the serpent Apep/Apophis." (The Temple, The Abomination and The Holy Place - 2016)
So there is all that. Now I have mentioned before that I believe we are in Satan's Little Season. This would mean that deception is rampant and Satan's main goal in this deception is to gather Gog and Magog for war against the camp of saints. Scientists have been ramping up their talk here in the United States about the "Big One" coming. But just our very own San Andreas fault line but even the Madrid fault line. And it just so happens that the eclipse is going directly over the Madrid fault. Ironically, the area South of Makanda or Little Egypt or maybe in this case we should just say Algol the demon star, they recently just had a rare 2.5 earthquake.