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The "Mao" who met with Nixon and Kissinger was certainly a clone!



As I said before Mao Zedong should have died during the cultural revolution. The Satanic Cabal start making clones in 1938. The Chinese Satanic Cabal head Zhou Enlai used a clone to impersonate Mao and meet with the Western Satanic Cabal including Nixon and Kissinger.

The satanic demon 666 Zhou Enlai and Qian Xuesen were the ones pulling the string behind the sense. They committed evil crimes in the name of Mao Zedong!

前面說過,毛澤東應該早已經死在文化大革命中。 撒旦集團在1938年開始製造克隆人。中國撒旦集團首腦周恩來利用克隆人假冒毛澤東和西方撒旦集團尼克遜和基辛格會面。

撒旦惡魔666 周恩來和錢學森是幕後操縱者。他們假冒毛澤東身份犯罪!


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