The Chinese Satanic Cabal uses clone to impersonate General Secretary of CCP "Xi-習" Jinping" to commit crimes against humanity.
The top leader of the People's Republic of China, President "Xi-席" Jinping is just a fake clone
Great Harlot Peng Liyuan is not the wife of General Secretary of CCP "Xi-習" Jinping
The Order of the President of the People's Republic of China is fake.
The People's Republic of China is just a company controlled by the Satanic Cabal
The Chinese Satanic Cabal, led by Clone President "Xi-席" Jinping and Great Harlot Peng Liyuan, colluded with Western Satanists including the US Deep State, World Health Organization, Dr Fauci, Bill Gates to deliberately create the COVID disaster in order to launch a coup to overthrow the regime of General Secretary of the CCP "Xi-習" Jinping.
Just like Clone President "Xi-席" Jinping and Great Harlot Peng Liyuan, they are evil and shameless. They continuously impersonate General Secretary "Xi-習" Jinping to visit and deliver speeches and blatantly fabricate lies.
The People's Republic of China, led by Clone President "Xi-席" Jinping and Great Harlot Peng Liyuan, is an evil, shameless and lying pseudo-regime. Of course they will not admit to creating the bio-weapons in Wuhan!