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Update: Satanic Cabal created many fake pictures & videos to impersonate Xi's attendance at 2017 WEF



GettyImage 應該已經被撒旦集團操控,出現了許多習近平出席2017世界經濟論壇(WEF)的虛假圖片,有許多都刻意顯示習近平的耳朵。但是假若從油管的2017年WEF視頻比較,是完全兩個人。

GetttImage的Bloomberg圖片, 皮膚毛孔粗糙和頸部有許多皺紋,耳朵明顯不同。但是油管視頻的習近平就完全不同。而且大淫婦彭麗媛亦有出席2017年WEF,所以哪一個習近平肯定是克隆人替身。《彭麗媛活動報導》中亦沒有她出席2017WEF的紀錄。

The Satanic Cabal created many fake pictures and videos to impersonate Xi's attendance at 2017 WEF. They are attempting to rewrite history.

GettyImage should have been controlled by the Satanic Cabal. There are many fake pictures of Xi Jinping attending the 2017 World Economic Forum, many of which deliberately showed Xi Jinping's ears. But if you compare it from the 2017 World Economic Forum video on YouTube, they are completely two people.

According to the Bloomberg picture of GetttImage, the skin has rough pores and many wrinkles on the neck, and the ears are obviously different from the Xi Jinping from the YouTube video.

Great Harlot Peng Liyuan also attended the 2017 WEF, therefore that Xi Jinping was certainly a clone. Besides, there is no record of her attendance at the 2017 WEF in the "Peng Liyuan Activity Report".


Donna Leung @

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