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The US Stock Market has been crashing for a long time! They are broke and they have to liquidate from the index stocks.

If you check the stock screener. There are totally 5565 US stocks. (By the time I publish this article, they shut down the stock screener)

For the Price Change 3Y

Under -51% = 1674 stocks ( 30.1% of all stocks)

Under - 20% = 2501 stocks (44.9% of all stocks)

Under -1% = 3072 stocks (55.2% of all stocks)

From -1% to 0% = 961 stocks (17.3% of all stocks)

Over 0% = 1532 stocks (27.5% of all stocks)

This means that 4033 out of 5565 stocks (72.5%) have seen their prices fall in the last 3 years. Interestingly, 961 (17.3%) stocks remained unchanged in price.

However, the S&P 500 Index and Dow Jones Index (30 stocks) still remain on an upward trend in the past 3 years. It is because the Satanic Cabal only manipulate these 500 stocks.

Even now, the Intel Corporation, one of the 30 stocks in Dow Jones Index, stock price fell 26% in a day. Therefore, they are broke and they have to liquidate from the index stocks.


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