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There is no Virus! The PCR test is just a hoax! The virus is the "Vaccine"!


Satanic Cabal tries to make Wuhan a scapegoat for the COVID outbreak again!

The US Energy Department Report is totally non-scientific and non-sense. They make the whole COVID outbreak back to square one.

Here are my findings from the past 3 years

1》 The COVID virus has never been isolated.

2》A CDC doc admitted that "Virus" is computer generated sequence. There is no virus!!

3》They made the mRNA vaccine within a few hours after the outbreak.

4》Even though there is a virus. How could the virus spread across the oceans to Europe and the US even though China had locked down all international transportation?

5》 A study from the University of Cambridge proved that the gene found in China is different from the gene found in Europe and America.

6》How could you prove that Wuhan is the virus origin? The virus was identified first in Wuhan doesn't mean it is the origin. Besides, the US possesses hundred of bio-weapon labs in the world including Ukraine.

7》PRC test is just a hoax to create a pandemic crisis so that they can lock down the countries and force mandatory vaccination. The true virus is the "Vaccine".

8》The mRNA vaccines are causing the virus to become more infectious


Donna Leung @

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