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This is an extremely serious and dangerous issue!Don't believe any promises made by evil liars!

Open AI 的Sora系統還未正式公開發佈讓公眾使用。事實證明大淫婦彭麗媛和中國撒旦集團在過去幾個月一直在使用 Sora 類型的人工智慧技術來產生大量虛假的 YouTube 影片。

這是一個極為嚴重和危險的問題。 她們隨時可以故意製造像梅西香港這樣的挑釁事件,然後製作大量虛假影片和新聞來煽動混亂或顏色革命。


Open AI’s Sora system has not yet been officially released for public use. It turns out that Great Harlot Peng Liyuan and the Chinese Satanic Cabal have been using Sora-type of AI Technology to generate massive fake YouTube videos in the past few months.

This is an extremely serious and dangerous issue. They can deliberately create any provocative incidents like Messi Hong Kong at any time, and then produce massive fake videos and news to provoke chaos or color revolution.

If Great Harlot Peng Liyuan is not publicly prosecuted, she will not stop lying and manipulating the media. Don't believe any promises made by evil liars!


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