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This Is What Klaus Schwab, The World Economic Forum & Bill Gates Call “Climate Change”


This Is What Klaus Schwab, The World Economic Forum & Bill Gates Call “Climate Change”

“Air Force is on record as saying, quote, they wanna control the weather by 2025, and we are not talking about just seeding the clouds for rain. Of April, this year, there are more than a 150 different weather modification programs around the world. Since about 2000, the Department of Defense and the Department of Energy have spraying the entire United States, Sky, the toxic brew, chemicals, and other biologic agents. Military and some commercial jets have been fitted with huge barrels of at least 49 different kinds of documented chemical poisons. Among other documented ingredients in this toxic man made cloud.”

You’ll either believe the Climate Cult & pay a carbon tax or they’ll keep manipulating the weather until you do.

You’ll Either Accept The Globalist Climate Change Lie & Pay A Carbon Tax Or They’ll Continue To Manipulate The Weather Until You Do

Here’s Over 8 Straight Minutes Of NASA’s Cloud Machine

It’s not “Climate Change” it’s Geoengineering/ Weather Modification


Exceptional post!

“International Attorney confirms that Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and many other WEF politicians are using Climate Change, Pandemics and Wars to bring about total world control through the United Nations and World Economic Forum. He declares that they must be stopped and should have been stopped a long time ago. Now is the time to unite humanity and defend life and freedom.”



Donna Leung @

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