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Tucker Carlson: Wannabe Dictator! | 想成為獨裁者!


不管有多少人在看著她醜陋的表現,她卻一點羞恥心都沒有,依舊裝作若無其事。 大淫婦彭麗媛依舊享有中國王朝女王殿下的榮耀。

Biden is only a wannabe Dictator whereas the Great Harlot Peng Liyuan is the "Absolute True Dictator"!

No matter how many peoples are watching her ugly performance, she has no shame at all, she still pretends nothing happened. Great Harlot Peng Liyuan is still entitled to the glory of Her Majesty the Queen of the Chinese Empire.

卡爾森推特秀第四集。天才諷刺大師。嘲諷福克斯老闆。暗示拜登結局。堅稱拜登“不像”獨裁者。將亨特比作薩達姆的兒子,將拜登的X比作金日成脖子上的東西。| 新視野 20230616


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