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Undercover Video of Top-Level Planned Parenthood ADMITTING to Selling Organs of Babies

My heart shattered 💔

Undercover Video of Top-Level Planned Parenthood ADMITTING to Selling Organs of Babies

Ever wonder why Democrats Support Abortion so Strongly? 💰

🔴 Dr. Ann Schutt-Aine - Chief Medical Officer

—— “every time I do a D&F [Dilation & Extraction], I’m like, oh, there’s lungs, there’s some Kidneys…”

—— I like tissues… “we have a lot of it”..

—— if you want more intact fetuses, talk to her.

—— she helped get NIH-funded professors at Baylor college of Medicine with Planned Parenthood to purchase aborted fetuses.

🔴 Tram Nguyen— VP of Abortion Access in

—— “I’m like yeah, I have a leg for you, I’m like oh sh*t, if other people were to hear me they’d be like you are fu*king evil!

—— they need liver and thymus the most.

—— it was like a 16 year old kid, so we had to HURRY UP, where other days they’re like more intact where it’s only like an arm that’s disarticulated. 😭 😭😭

—— we had 17 week twins in the freezer… 😭😭😭

• Planned parenthood Gulf Coast ran the biggest abortion clinic in the western Hemisphere in Houston, Texas.

—— this abortion clinic aborted babies up to 6 months and sold them for experiments.

This is the saddest shit I’ve seen all week… please get this out there


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