It was just a clone of Peng Liyuan who gave a speech at the UN in 2015. Her English ability is not good enough to give a speech in public. It was just a show to promote her image.
There are many English videos to expose the Satanic Vatican on the internet as well as on my website. Her English listening ability is also very poor and she can't understand those English videos. Besides, she couldn't differentiate between "Christianity" and "Catholicism". She denied that the Vatican is a satanic cult.
She pretended to be good at English ability and was able to communicate with different world leaders including Bill Gates and previously the Indonesian First lady. They were just a show to promote her image.
Her positions in the UN & WHO including "Special Envoy for the Advancement of Girls and Women’s Education" & "Goodwill ambassador for HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis" are just virtual titles without any actual job requirements and responsibilities. She was deliberately promoted by the Satanic Cabal to reinforce her power.
The Satanic Cabal wanted to make Great Harlot Peng Liyuan the claret female world leader to promote "One World Government" and New World Order. They want to create a fake image that Peng Liyuan is competent and superior to Xi Jinping.
In fact, Great Harlot is nothing but an evil actress and liar.
Chinese First Lady Peng Liyuan Delivers a Speech about Women and Education at UN GA 2015 | People's Daily, China 人民日报