Fri. 12 Jan. Rubix Q 777 on Telegram: The WEF and WHO are warning of an “unknown” pathogen that could cause a global pandemic, but this time it will be 20x as deadly as C19. They are calling it ―Disease X‖ or ―Pathogen X‖. If it‘s "unknown", how do they know it‘s going to be 20x as deadly? Do they plan to release another pathogen for this election season? The public are already conditioned and mail-in voting would be easy to implement, opening the door for fraud once again. I don‘t know what their plan is, but they have to do something soon. If the status quo remains, Trump will win. Do they go back to the mail-in voting play? Or do they go a different route? The only problem is, if they do it again, it‘s going to be VERY obvious after they just did it in 2020, and citizen journalists have a free speech platform to call it out, unlike last time.
Croatian MEP, Mislav Kolakušić: "[The WHO] should be declared a terrorist
organization... [It] is more dangerous for humanity than the WEF. It would be healthier
and safer for humanity to sign an agreement with the Colombian drug cartel [than to sign
an agreement with the World Health Organisation]."
Fri. 12 Jan. Former White House Coordinator, Dr. Deborah Birx: ―Long-term
COVID Covid Vax is similar to HIV. HIV has quietly destroyed our immune system...
We are now learning about the effects of mitochondria and viruses, brain fog, changes in
our neurons, and in the cells that feed our neurons, which allow us to think and move.‖