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根據Q正義聯盟的信息,希特拉是撒旦集團包括羅斯柴爾德家族(Rothschild) 和洛克斐勒家族(Reckefeller)的傀儡。西方有一篇學術文章講述洛克菲臘家族和希特拉的秘密關係,洛克菲勒基金會和希特勒在 20 世紀30年代共同努力支持德國各地的優生學和優生學研究。




但是為什麼希特勒要選擇一個極端的方法屠殺600萬猶太人? 這就是因為撒旦集團要找代罪羔羊! 據報導有一份希特拉和撒旦家族達成的秘密協議,塑造希特拉成一個反猶太極權主義者。




There is a secret contract between Adolf Hitler and Baron Rothschild & Rockefeller hidden in an even more secret place in Florida - something the Democratic Party is very frightening of.

In this contract is written that the both will support and pay Hitlers antisemitism policy in order to change the public opinion about it and themself.

The simple always working FED trick: you make your opponent (whome you created yourself) look bad in order to make yourself look good (that's the only reason why the opponent was created, and such one opponent was Hitler).

The reason was also to make finally people, in a very urgent way, feel the need to found Israel. Especially jewish people of whom the most felt very comfortable in Europe and didn't wanted to leave their europaen homeland at all. The motto was: if you don't leave and work on our private state, you'll die! So, you have no choice!

Hitler has also to promise in that contract to reduce the european population by 50 percent.

8 families funded Adolf Hitler.

Goldman Sachs,


Lehmans and Kuhn Loebs of New York.

Rothschilds of Paris and London.

Warburgs of Hamburg.

Lazards of Paris.

Israel Moses Seifs of Rome.

Your entire world was/is shaped by these families

CIA report on the successful transport of one Adolf Hitler to Argentina, August 1945

Trump declassified the JFK Files that show "Adolf HITLER is still alive."

Which is exactly why Rusty Shackleford made all of those posts about OPERATION VALKYRIE IS IN EFFECT

...which was the operation to take out Hitler & the Nazi's

"The truth will SHOCK the world" regarding this Q said, and this is why, the 4th Reich survived up until 2021.

In 1925 Hitler wrote the second part of Mein Kampf.

He explained in his book what was to come.

Annexations of nations in Europe (EU?)

Race wars instead of class wars.

(Don't we have the poor advocating for the rich?)

The elimination of revolutions.

Forced Sterilizations through vaccinations.

The murder of the disabled.

Persecution of those that would not comply

He did all this from a NATURAL setting in the mountains where "those who loved the earth and wanted it sustained" understood how some men were to rule and others were to serve those that rule to keep the harmony.

IF you ask me... The NWO is literally implementing Hilter's visions.

Just an obswervation.

PS. He did this from the location where he had an ELABORATE underground BUNKER.


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