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林鄭月娥歷年的政績, 證明她施政嚴重失當, 無德無能:


  • 西九文娛藝術區

  • 唐英年大宅僭建風波


  • 反國民教育科事件

  • 2014年發生雨傘革命

  • 2016年立法會產生辦法和2017年行政長官產生辦法諮詢

  • 2016年8月12日,時任政務司長林郑月娥表示不同意香港基本法107條,即「香港公共財政以量入為出為原則」


  • 明日大嶼計劃

  • 2019 顏色革命

  • 2020 新冠病毒抗疫

  1. 香港財政收支嚴重失衡,香港經營開支占香港政府總收入的88%,這是嚴重的施政失誤。香港30年來, 香港人口大概增幅30%,香港政府庫房收入增加了7.3倍, 但開支增加8.5倍, 完全是入不敷支,那些錢用在哪裏? 2016年時任政務司長林鄭月娥表示不同意香港基本法107條,即「香港公共財政以量入為出為原則」。

  2. 林鄭政府嚴重資源錯配,比起30年前,未成年人口減少30%,但政府花費8倍的龐大教育開支,教導出兩代的反中亂港的暴徒。時任政務司長林郑月娥,發生反國民教育事件。教育局全盤忽略法住機構的投訴和勸告。.林鄭的教育政策就是荼毒和分化青少年對中國的認知。

  3. 林鄭政府醫療體政策嚴重失當,醫療政策本末倒置,多年來的龐大醫療開支並不是花費在普通市民的服務上,而是花在醫療設備和醫生福利上。在公立醫院嚴重短缺專業醫生,仍然發牌建立兩間私家專科醫院。推行全民醫保,目的是為了把整個政府醫療制度變成私有化。要全香港市民負擔龐大醫療開支。

  4. 香港政府最主要的收入來源就是賣地,再過去香港30年,香港土地拍賣平均尺價增加13倍。導致香港樓價不斷上昇。房屋政策嚴重失當,梁振英時期的房屋土地政策,林鄭任命期間全部推翻,有十萬多間公營房屋數量被刪減。堅持要推行明日大嶼政策,目的是為了增加土地買賣,繼而增加政府庫房收入。

  5. 西九文化區管理局的成立和實施,簡直不知所謂。如此龐大的文化建設徹底違背了「文化」的原意。M+博物館內的雜架攤展品, 連藝術品都不如, 又何來「文化」?西九文化區的目的是否在散播仇恨中國共產黨和中國文化的一個陰謀?

  6. 香港政府公務員30年來薪金開支增加4倍,退休金開支增加20倍,其他各部門開支增加10倍。龐大的退休金開支使得香港財政嚴重緊缺,未來30年的預算是一個天文數字。所以政府必須要依靠賣地來增加收入。這是嚴重的濫用資源導致收支嚴重失衡。

  7. 林鄭月娥製造虛假開支預算案欺騙立法局議員和市民,實際的社會福利開支只占20%預算開支。其他保安和基礎設建設開支的實際開支比預算案也大幅削減

  8. 因為香港政府的嚴重施政失衡, 未能夠負擔社會民生的福利開支和基建。所以林鄭政府利用香港傳媒和反對派, 在製造反對噪音和阻力, 變成政府不作為的合理藉口。其實香港反對派的有恃無恐, 囂張跋扈和馮政必反是林鄭政府一手刻意造成的。

  9. 2019香港顏色革命, 是林鄭月娥政府勾結外國勢力和中國撒旦集團勢力, 鼓吹「港獨」, 自編自導自演的一場顏色革命, 目的就是要推翻習近平政權。

  10. 林鄭月娥聽命於以李克強為首的中國撒旦集團, 在香港興風作浪, 官商勾結 。在習近平中央明確禁止比特幣的政策下, 林鄭月娥公開支持比特幣交易, 協助內地的官員利用比特幣來走資。

  11. 2020新冠病毒是撒旦集團的生化戰。林鄭月娥政府堅決和中央防疫政策背道而馳,自把自為,漠視中央政策,協助撒旦集團擴散病毒, 推薦港人注射生化武器mRNA疫苗, 刻意讓病毒在香港擴散, 繼而危害中國的抗疫成果,嚴重危害國家安全和香港市民的生命安全。

  12. 2022年1月發生的「洪門宴」, 是林鄭月娥和撒旦團隊精心策劃的一場政變。她們刻意放縱國泰機組人員在香港散播病毒,設局邀請所有愛國者的官員和議員。聯同海外各大媒體輿論造勢,藉此機會剝奪所有愛國官員的職權。



Carrie Lam's policies over the years, proved she governance serious misconduct, without ability:

Secretary of Development (1 July 2007 to 30 June 2012, Donald Tsang Government)

  • West Kowloon Cultural District

  • Henry Tang illegal basement controversy

Secretary for Administration (July 1, 2012 to January 16, 2017, Leung Chun-ying government)

  • Anti-National Education Division Incident

  • 2014 Umbrella Revolution occurred

  • 2016 Legislative Council election method and 2017 Chief executive method consultation

  • August 12, 2016, as Chief Secretary Carrie Lam, she disagreed 107 Hong Kong Basic Law, namely "Hong Kong's public finances are based on the principle of living within our means.

Hong Kong SAR government Chief Executive (March 31, 2017)

  • Lantau Tomorrow Vision

  • 2019 Color Revolution

  • 2020 COVID Epidemic Crisis

  1. Hong Kong's fiscal revenue and expenditure are seriously unbalanced. Hong Kong's operating expenses account for 88% of the Hong Kong government's total revenue. This is a serious policy mistake. In the past 30 years, Hong Kong's population only increased by 30%, government income increased by 7.4 times, but expenditure increased by 8.5 times, this is an absolutely overspend, where did the money go? In 2016, then Chief Secretary Carrie Lam expressed her disagreement with Article 107 of the Hong Kong Basic Law, which states that "Hong Kong's public finances are based on the principle of living within our means."

  2. The Lam government has seriously misallocated resources. Compared with 30 years ago, the underage population has decreased by 30%, but the government has spent eight times the huge education expenditure to teach two generations of anti-China rioters. Carrie Lam, the then Chief Secretary for Administration, had an anti-national education incident. The Education Bureau has completely ignored the complaints and advice of the Dharmasthiti Group. Lam's education policy is to poison and divide young people's perception of China.

  3. The Carrie Lam government's medical policy is seriously inappropriate, and the medical policy has reversed the causes and effects. The huge medical expenditure over the years is not spent on the services of ordinary citizens, but on medical equipment and doctor's welfare. There is a severe shortage of professional doctors in public hospitals, and the establishment of two private specialist hospitals is still licensed. The purpose of implementing universal health care is to privatize the entire government health care system. The entire Hong Kong people should bear huge medical expenses.

  4. The main source of income for the Hong Kong government is land sales. In the past 30 years in Hong Kong, the average price per square foot of land auctions in Hong Kong has increased by 13 times. As a result, property prices in Hong Kong continue to rise. The housing policy was seriously inappropriate. The housing and land policy of Leung Chun-Ying was overturned during Carrie Lam's administration, and more than 100,000 public housing units were cut. The purpose of insisting on implementing the Lantau Tomorrow Vision is to increase land sales and then increase government treasury revenue.

  5. The establishment and implementation of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority were poorly executed. Such a huge cultural construction completely violates the original meaning of "culture". The miscellaneous exhibitions in the M+ Museum are not even as good as works of art, so how can they be "culture"? Is the purpose of the West Kowloon Cultural District a conspiracy to spread hatred of the Chinese Communist Party and Chinese culture?

  6. In the past 30 years, the salary expenditure of Hong Kong government civil servants has increased by 4 times, the pension expenditure has increased by 20 times, and the expenditure of other departments has increased by 10 times. Huge pension expenditures have made Hong Kong's finances a serious shortage, and the budget for the next 30 years is an astronomical figure. Therefore, the government must rely on land sales to increase revenue. This is a serious misuse of resources resulting in a serious imbalance of payments.

  7. Carrie Lam deceived members of the Legislative Council and the public by creating a false budget. Actual social welfare spending only accounted for 20% of the budget. The actual expenditures of other security and infrastructure construction expenditures were also significantly reduced compared to the budget proposals

  8. Since the Hong Kong government was unable to afford the welfare expenditures and infrastructure of the people's livelihood due to the serious administrative imbalance of the Hong Kong government. Therefore, the Carrie Lam government colluded with the Hong Kong mass media and the anti-government politicians to create opposition noise and resistance, which became a reasonable excuse for the government's inaction. In fact, the arrogance, rebellion, and misbehavior of the anti-government politicians in Hong Kong were deliberately created by the Carrie Lam government.

  9. The 2019 Hong Kong Protest was a color revolution that was organized, directed, and performed by Carrie Lam’s administration in collusion with both western and Chinese Cabal. They encouraged and advocated "Hong Kong independence", with the aim of overthrowing Xi Jinping's regime.

  10. Carrie Lam is under the command of the Chinese Satanic Cabal headed by Li Keqiang, they colluded with western forces and global capitalists. Under Xi Jinping's policy of explicitly banning bitcoin, Carrie Lam publicly supported bitcoin trading, helping mainland officials use bitcoin to transfer capital to Hong Kong and overseas.

  11. The 2020 COVID 19 crisis is the biological warfare of the Satanic Cabal. The Carrie Lam government resolutely runs counter anti-epidemic Chinese policy, acts on its own, assists the Satanic Cabal to spread the virus, recommends Hong Kong people to inject bio-weapon mRNA vaccines, deliberately allows the virus to spread in Hong Kong, and then jeopardizes China's anti-epidemic achievements, seriously endanger national security and the lives of Hong Kong citizens.

  12. The "Hung Banquet" that took place in January 2022 was a coup carefully planned by Carrie Lam and the Satanic Cabal. They deliberately allowed the Cathay Pacific crew to spread the virus in Hong Kong. They set up a banquet to invite all patriotic government officials, together with major overseas media and public opinion, to force the Hong Kong government to deprive the powers and authority of the patriotic officials.

With all the misconducts of Carrie Lam's administration in decades, no one is accountable, accused, or punished at all. However, with the little mistake taken by the patriotic officials who so-called disobey Carrie's instruction, they were rigorously accused and their authority and powers are deprived by Carrie Lam. This is dictatorship!!

Hong Kong under the leadership of Carrie Lam’s Satanic Cabal is bound to degenerate and perish. If Hong Kong does not get rid of the Satanic Cabal, Hong Kong's ordinary citizens will definitely suffer. Carrie Lam still loves power, does not accept criticism and opinions, brags about her achievements, and does not admit all mistakes. Her hypocritical performance will certainly introduce disaster to the Hong Kong people.


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