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美國指責中國操縱全球媒體? 這是部分正確的!


US accuses China of global media manipulation? This is partially correct!!

All the global mainstream media are being manipulated by the Satanic Cabal. Since Great Harlot Peng Liyuan and the Chinese Satanic Cabal are their puppets, all global mainstream media obviously protect them. The global media is just the political propaganda weapon of the Chinese Satanists.

All western media including newspapers, YouTube, Google and Facebook allows the Chinese Satanists to manipulate the system and make fake news. You hardly find any negative news about Great Harlot Peng Liyuan in the MSM. They only reported the false news about the Chinese Satanic Cabal's opponent parties. They always defame Xi Jinping's and publish fake report against him. They never tells you anything bad about the Chinese Satanic Cabal itself.

In November last year, the BBC, ABC, MSN and overseas Chinese media simultaneously published false stories about Peng Liyuan and Xi Jinping. These are all lies and complete rubbish! Their reporting on China is simply unreliable.

美國指責中國操縱全球媒體? 這是部分正確的!!

全球所有主流媒體都受到撒旦陰謀集團的操縱。 既然大淫婦彭麗媛和中國撒旦集團都是他們的傀儡,那麼全球主流媒體顯然都在保護她們。 全球媒體只是中國撒旦邪魔妖婦的政治宣傳武器。

所有西方媒體,包括報紙、YouTube、谷歌和臉書,都允許中國撒旦邪魔妖婦操縱系統並製造假新聞。 在主流媒體裏,你幾乎找不到關於大淫婦彭麗媛的負面新聞。他們只報道了有關中國撒旦集團敵對勢力的假消息。 他們總是誹謗習近平,發表針對習近平的虛假報道。他們從來不會告訴你任何關於中國撒旦集團本身的壞話。

去年11月,BBC、ABC、MSN以及海外中文媒體等同時刊登了彭麗媛與習近平的虛假故事。 這些都是謊言,完全是垃圾! 他們對有關中國的報導根本不可靠。


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