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英國判決出爐! 彭文正:LSE沒蔡英文口試紀錄


Lee Teng-hui is under the Satanic bloodline family. Tsai Lng-wen was brought up by Lee Teng-hui with a very close relationship. She is the puppet of the Satanic Cult. It doesn't surprise me that her oral dissertation was granted by a Catholic church.

Council of London School of Economics and Political Science officially declared that Tsai Ing-wen's dissertation record never existed. Fake thesis! Fake doctorship! Illegitimate 'president'! Hypocritical 'president'!

李登輝是撒旦之子, 蔡英文是李登關係密切一手提攜。若果沒有撒旦集團的輔助,蔡英文何來得到假博士學位?

2021.11.29黃智賢夜問-實錘!_ 英國高等行政法院_LES沒有蔡英文博士論文口試資料!.


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